Vincent Glerum (1970) is a legal advisor to the Extradition Chamber of the District Court of Amsterdam and professor by special appointment at the University of Groningen (special chair for international criminal law). He has over fourteen years of experience in dealing with EAW-matters. In 2003 Vincent was asked to prepare a manual for the Extradition Chamber on the application of the act transposing Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA which at that time was still before Parliament. An amended version of this manual was later published. Ever since, he has published extensively on the subject of extradition law and EAW law (articles, case notes, contributions to books and commentaries). In 2013 Vincent received his doctoral degree from the Vrije Universiteit (Free University, Amsterdam) on the basis of a thesis on refusal grounds in extradition law and EAW law. He features regularly at Dutch universities as guest lecturer on the subject of extradition and the EAW. Vincent is the coordinating researcher of the InAbsentiEAW research project.